Dear Dahlia Lip Paradise Effortless Matte Lipstick 3.2g (Various Shades) - M104 Camilla
  • Create the illusion of a more dramatic and defined pout with Dear Dahlia’s ‘Lip Paradise’ matte lipstick. Lightweight and creamy, the formula glides effortlessly across your mouth, the airy texture avoiding the risk of any cakey, heavy residue being left over. An infusion of Cacao Seed Butter and other botanical, replenishing ingredients minimise the appearance of chapped or dry lips, drenching your skin in moisture for long-lasting, visible softness. A potent boost of Dahlia Variabilis Flower Extract, packed with antioxidants, encourages a protective veil across your lips, shielding them from the damage of harsh external aggressors. Rich in anti-ageing properties, the extract also assists with minimising the visible signs of ageing on the mouth, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Sumptuous and rich, the lipstick leaves a true-matte and full-coverage aesthetic in its wake, with the buildable formula allowing you to go from daytime prettiness to party-ready glamour in seconds. The highly-pigmented formula provides intense colour-payoff, along with impressive stay-power that reduces the chances of smudging and transferring.
2 744₽

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